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Messenger of Padre Pio

The Saint Padre Pio Miracle Foundation for Children with Cancer

My Past, O Lord, to Your Mercy;
my present, to Your love;
my future to Your providence

Anthony Fuina-My Testimony
".....Please! Give me a lift to Jerusalem Ave. and Hicksville Rd., by the Tabernacle Church and Maria Regina Church.” He said that he had been waiting all morning for a lift. It was now early afternoon! I never pick up strange hitchhikers, but some miraculous, overpowering feeling came over me......... READ MORE !!
at the top of page My Greatest Miracle

Reflections with St. Padre Pio at:
Maria Regina R.C. Church
3945 Jerusalem Avenue
Seaford N.Y. 11783-1631
January 24, 2017 in the Church at 7:00 pm.
For info; Call (516) 541-0921
Maria Regina RC Church St, Padre Pio Prayer meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month after the 9 am mass, in St, Michaels room in the buiding to the left of the main entrance of the church. at: 3945 Jerusalem Avenue
Seaford N.Y. 11783
For Information call:
(516) 799-6388
We Welcome You to the Celebration, Blessing and Dedication of the Statue of St. Padre Pio.
All are invited to join us on Sunday, May 21, 2017 at St. William the Abbot R.C. Church for the Mass at 12:15 P.M.
The Blessing of the Statue will follow after the Mass.
Refreshments will be provided following this event in the Abbey of St. William's.
St. William the Abbot R.C. Church
2000 Jackson Avenue
Seaford, N.Y. 11783
For Info. (516) 785-1266
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